
The Mysterious Circumstances Surrounding Natalie Wood’s Death

Natalie Wood had a rising acting career that reached its peak with her Oscar-nominated role as Maria in West Side Story (1961). She was known for her ability to portray anxious yet strong-willed women. Starting her career at age four, she gained significant fame by the time she starred in Miracle on 34th Street (1947).

Natalie Wood

Wood was an Oscar-nominated actress who appeared in some of Hollywood’s biggest hits. Her off-screen life, however, was marred by controversies and personal struggles. She was a wife, mother, and businesswoman who started her own production company as she juggled a complex private life. Scroll down to explore more about Who Killed Natalie Wood.

In the weeks before her death in 1981, Wood was enjoying one of her favorite pastimes: sailing. She and her husband, Robert Wagner, invited friends for a trip aboard their yacht. Most declined due to unfavorable conditions, but her Brainstorm co-star Christopher Walken accepted. The trio set off on a trip over Thanksgiving weekend.

Accounts from the boat’s captain, Dennis Davern, and Wood’s sister, Lana, mention arguments between the couple during the voyage. Fresh bruises and scrapes mentioned in the coroner’s report hinted at possible assault before her death, but no one was held responsible, and the cause of her death remains undetermined.

Despite her personal struggles, Wood remained popular throughout her life. In her later years, she received nominations for several roles and revived her career. She even ventured into entrepreneurship by launching a clothing line and investing in real estate.

The mystery surrounding Wood’s death has fascinated the public for decades. In 2011, the investigation was reopened, and Wagner was named a person of interest. New details and revelations from Davern, who wrote a book on the incident, raised doubts about the original story. He believes the reopening of the case doesn’t make sense and casts doubt on the initial investigation.

Why Was She Killed?

Wood, a beloved actress, disappeared from her husband’s yacht during a weekend getaway. Her body washed ashore the next morning. Both Wagner and Walken claimed she accidentally fell overboard, but troubling questions remained.

Wood’s career began when she was four, and she became a superstar by her teens. She had already received three Oscar nominations by age 25 for roles in Rebel Without a Cause, West Side Story, and Splendor in the Grass. However, she struggled with personal issues, including depression, and once attempted suicide in the late 1960s.

After her death, the media was consumed with her story. Her last film, Brainstorm, was in production when she died, leading producers to question whether to continue the project. Her death overshadowed the film and cast a dark cloud over her career.

As time passed, the initial ruling of accidental drowning was questioned. New evidence from a local scuba diving team and Davern’s explosive book shed light on inconsistencies. Davern claimed Wagner pushed Wood overboard during an argument and alleged that others on nearby boats heard the fight but failed to come forward at the time.

How Was She Killed?

Wood was known for her work in films such as West Side Story and Splendor in the Grass. She was also a successful businesswoman who established her own production company.

In 1981, while on vacation with her husband, Wagner, and Walken, her body was found floating in the water. She was wearing only a flannel nightgown and a down jacket. The coroner initially deemed her death an accident.

Conflicting stories about that night have surfaced over the years. Wagner and Walken did not discuss the incident publicly for a long time. In a 2008 memoir, Wagner said he and Wood had argued, leading her to break a wine bottle and leave the boat. When he went to look for her, she was gone. A dinghy was later found in a nearby cove, close to where her body was discovered.

Davern provided a different account, claiming Wagner argued with Wood and pushed her overboard. He also admitted to withholding information due to threats from Wagner. In a later statement, Davern said he had lied in his initial testimony.

The 2011 reopening of the investigation uncovered new details, and some believe Wood’s fall was not accidental. Writer Lana Finstad, who authored several biographies of Wood, has argued that additional information proves her death was not an accident.

What Happened to Natalie Wood?

Natalie Wood was one of Hollywood’s most stunning and talented actresses. Nominated for three Oscars, she starred in Rebel Without a Cause and Splendor in the Grass. Despite her fame, she remained grounded, enjoying reading and cooking. She was also an accomplished pianist and singer, balancing her acting career with a normal childhood.

Over Thanksgiving weekend in 1981, Wood was on a sailing trip with her husband and Davern. Walken, who was filming Brainstorm at the time, was also on board.

The events of November 28, 1981, remain clouded in mystery. Some believe that after arguing with Wagner, Wood jumped overboard. Her body was found the next morning, a mile from the yacht, with a dinghy beached nearby. The coroner later changed the cause of death from accidental drowning to drowning with undetermined factors.

Theories and rumors have swirled around Wood’s death for more than 30 years. Conflicting accounts from Davern and Wood’s sister, along with fresh bruises on her body, suggested she might have been assaulted, but no charges were filed.

In a recent interview, Wood’s daughter, Natasha Gregson Wagner, stated that her mother did not suspect foul play at the time of her death. However, she acknowledged her late mother’s struggles with mental health issues, including bipolar disorder and bulimia, as well as a deep fear of being alone at night, rooted in a prophecy from a fortune-teller her mother consulted.